A June Recap and Favourites

It’s the end of June! Where did all that time go?

I said the same thing in April when I did my April Recap and Favourites but honestly, time is flying so much faster than it ever had in my life. I don’t remember the last 3 months, it was like as if it all crammed into 2 weeks.

Recap and Reflection –

June was a month of many ups and downs. I moaned about my skin back in April and sadly in June, it has gotten worse. It might be due to the fact that I’ve been wearing more masks and eating more crisps, but the cystic acne on my cheeks has been really getting me down. One of the best things to happen to me in June was that –

I STARTED MY COURSE OF ACCUTANE! I am so so so happy about it! Would anyone like to see any posts about my accutane journey? Let me know in the comments!

I also went back to work in the middle of June. It was nuts.

We were incredibly busy with calling people. On the first day of work, I made about 200 calls myself and I’m sure my colleagues did about the same. It was incredibly stressful, and having to wear a mask for 8 hours straight for the first time in my life was very hard. I was hot and sweaty the entire day, and I felt my skin was going to get worse. It did. When I went home and took my mask off, my makeup had practically melted off my face and my cystic acne spots were out in full glory.

The Black Lives Matter movement also took off in May-June and for good reason. Never stop talking about it. Never stop sharing Instagram posts and stories. Never stop educating. I am still posting on my stories to help more people learn, and also to advocate for minorities. Being a person of colour myself, I feel this is very important. Here are some valuable and powerful links for you to visit and help in any way you can.

I also missed my boyfriend more than ever!

He was supposed to come to Singapore to spend 2 weeks with me at the end of May into June but with everything going on in the world right now, it was obviously impossible. We haven’t rescheduled a new date yet and our hotel booking is still hanging in the air, but we hope we can in the upcoming months. I haven’t seen him since December which is the 2nd longest break we’ve ever taken apart, the longest was 9 months back in 2017.

To all the long distance couples out there, I feel you, and I know it hurts. Especially now.

On a fantastic note, I surpassed my personal blog view goal of 600 and reached a total of 1,261 views this month! 

The reason why I set 600 views as my June goal was because in May, I reached 500. I didn’t want to set my expectations too high, so I wanted a little more than May’s views. To my surprise, my view count doubled my goal. So, thank you everyone who ever reads my blog. Writing has always been a passion of mine and I am so glad to be able to do it on this platform.

I love you all.

June Favourites –

New Cerave buys!

I had to order these product online and of course it was because of watching Hyram’s Tik Toks and YouTube videos. Cerave is sadly quite expensive in Singapore so I’ll be using these very sparingly but so far I love it!

Both items don’t leave a greasy feel on the skin which I absolutely hate as someone with oily skin, and it also doesn’t feel stripping. I used to use 2 different types of cleansers, a dryer one in the day and a moisturising one at night but since getting the Cerave Foaming Facial Cleanser, it’s all I’ve been using and I’m trying to make that as consistent as possible so that I can tell whether or not it has been working. I’d say it’s good, but I haven’t seen a drastic improvement with my skin yet. As long as it doesn’t break me out, it’s generally a good sign for me. I would highly rate this for people who struggle with oily skin. It is also fragrance free!

The Cerave SA Lotion I bought specifically for my arms and legs because of my ‘strawberry’ skin. Once again, not much of a difference just yet, but I am going to keep using it as I do like how it feels on my skin.

My Phone Case Addiction

Over the course of the past 2 months, my phone case collection has grown dramatically. I’ve gone from having maybe 5 phone cases which is already excessive to a grand number of… 18 PHONE CASES! 

All were below $4 each which is what made me want to buy more. Also I will never get bored of it as I can wear a different one every day of the week (twice!). Let me know if you’re also a phone case collector as I don’t think I’ve known anyone to own more than 2 phone cases so it really makes me think I have a problem. Also let me know if you’d like to see a haul!

Jeffrey Epstein : Filthy Rich on Netflix

I randomly picked this docu-series to watch on Netflix as I loooove watching crime content, and I had of course been following the Jeffrey Epstein stories for awhile. This was an extremely well thought-out documentary, with real clips and real audio which made it all the more true to life. I would highly recommend ANYONE to watch it and be educated about the crimes that people of power commit and are able to get away with. You will be surprised at some of the names mentioned in this series.

Zoom Call with my flatmates from University

Our timezones aligned one day and myself and my 3 flatmates from university finally came together and had a group Zoom catch up! We hadn’t properly called and chatted in ages, we usually message each other, so it was really really lovely to have everyone ‘in the same place’ together again. I miss them so much! I’m glad all of us still keep in touch on messenger and Instagram, and that every time we chat, we’re always on the same page – like we’ve never left uni!

We caught up about what we were doing since completing university and it’s great to see everyone happy!

June has been a crazy month, with a lot of ups and downs, and I am definitely finding it hard to adjust to going back to work especially when work is getting more hectic than ever.

How was your June? Are you back to work too? 

Did you do anything fun and interesting? What was the highlight of your June 2020? Let me know! 


76 responses to “A June Recap and Favourites”

  1. Sankhamala Parua Avatar
    Sankhamala Parua

    June was not good for us. Our favorite Bollywood hero committed suicide..we all are heartbroken and trying to overcome the shock…


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m so sorry to hear that! I know the feeling of losing someone you’re fond of even if you’ve never met. I hope you feel better soon x


  2. Laura Avatar

    That’s so many phone cases! How often do you switch between them? I had 7 phone cases, changed about once a week, but now I have a new phone and no cases yet 😦

    – L || lauraorvokki.com/en


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I switch between them almost everyday! It’s almost become a part of my routine. I do have a few favourites that I like to use more often than the rest x


  3. Lauren Avatar

    The Jeffery Epstein documentary was very interesting, I got through it in a weekend. Well done on the blog views! I worked during the lockdown but only on a rota, I started back full time in June and it’s been nice to have a bit of a routine. I hope you get to see your boyfriend soon.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I finished the entire series really quickly too! And thank you, I really hope to see him soon, I’m missing him lots x


  4. Paige Eades Avatar

    The Jeffery Epstein documentary was fascinating, I loved it too. I hope you can see your boyfriend soon!

    Paige // Paige Eades


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I really hope so too! 😔


  5. Charity Avatar

    I can’t believe it’s almost July already too! Where has this year gone?! Thanks for sharing your recap of June though. I enjoyed reading all about it!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      You’re welcome! 2020 has really flashed before my eyes!


  6. Jaya Avendel Avatar

    Congratulations on surpassing your monthly views goal! I know how amazing it feels to watch something you put work into grow beyond your thought.

    The world may be a mess, but I love that people can adapt and hope we all find our rhythm as life goes on. 🙂


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you, I am very happy about passing my goal! 😊


  7. Lisa Avatar

    Congratulations on your best ever views, that’s amazing! Did you do anything different? My goal for this month is 700 views.
    Definitely would like to see a post on your journey with accutane. I suffer with Atopic Dermatitis so I’m always interested in other people’s skin journey.
    I hope that you get to see your boyfriend soon! ❤️


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I hope you can reach 700 views, that’s a very attainable goal! And that’s good to hear, I might start posting about accutane soon, I am also regularly posting updates about my skin on my ig stories x


  8. Eleanor Avatar

    Lovely post, thank you for sharing your reflections 🙂 I understand the annoyance and sadness of a long-distance relationship, I’m glad you’re finding ways to get through it!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      We’ve done it for 3 years, we can do it during this pandemic 😉 thank you!


  9. Abigail Avatar

    CeraVe is t\he best. I’ve been using their retinol and it is great and also affordable!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’ve never tried their retinol but I’ve heard great things! X


  10. Jenny in Neverland Avatar

    Honestly, hats off to anyone doing long distance. I really don’t know how you do it and hopefully can spend some proper time with your boyfriend very soon. Congrats on surpassing your blog views – so well deserved, your blog is fab and deserves all those views and more! xxx


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Long distance is hard but the pandemic has made it 10x harder as we no longer have a solid plan for when we can next meet which really bums me out. Thank you so much for the compliment, I’m very happy with where my blog is headed! X


  11. Shannon Baker Avatar

    Ahhh love this round up! I too have bought a few new phone cases (3 to be exact and popsockets to match). My fave atm is my chocolate/Oreo biscuit decoden phone case *-* It looks good enough to eat!!

    Shannon x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Oooh I can imagine! I love collecting phone cases 😛


  12. Michelle Avatar

    Congratulations on reaching your blog view goal! I was wondering why Cerave was so popular. I’m going to look up Hyram’s videos because Cerave is very affordable in the states and I never tried any of their products. haha ♥



    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m glad Cerave is cheap in the US, it’s not that cheap here + you can only buy it from third party sellers as they don’t stock Cerave in stores in Singapore! X


  13. Ffion Grace Davies Avatar

    Congratulations on smashing your blog views! You must be over the moon. I’d actually love to see your ACCUTANE journey.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m very happy! Waiting for it to all go downhill in July though hehe x


  14. Lauren Avatar

    That’s awesome you got further with views! Thank you for sharing the black lives matter content! I really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren | http://www.bourenmouthgirl.com


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you! I’m so proud of myself 😊


  15. Katie Harding Avatar

    Sorry to hear you’re in a long distance relationship at the moment that must be tough! But otherwise, looks like it was a great month for your online space!

    Katie | katieemmabeauty.com


    1. marsybun Avatar

      It is tough but I know we can pull through it! 😊


  16. Jess Avatar

    This post is great, I’d really love to read about your accutane journey! I loved the Epstein docu on Netflix too, it really opened my eyes to the whole situation – I hope some justice can come to those affected soon.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Yaaay looks like I’ll be blogging about accutane soon!


  17. Kelly Avatar

    I’m so glad to hear that you’ve started using Accutane, I really hope it helps clear your skin. It must be so hard being seperated from your boyfriend all of this time, but the day you’re finally together again will be the best feeling in the entire world!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m very happy about accutane too! It’s difficult being apart from Chris, but we make it work! 😊


  18. Rums the Reader Avatar

    What an awesome wrap up! I would love to read about your journey with Acutane, I’ve heard some really great success with it so I hope it’s the same for you. Reading about your phonecases makes me want to buy a new one haha! & I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to be long distance right now especially but hang in there and I hope you guys can be together soon. Thanks for sharing + I can’t wait to read more of your posts in the future 💓


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m very excited to see my results on accutane! And I love phone cases, I don’t think I know of anyone who has more than I do. And an LDR is hard but we know we can do it, we’ve done it for a long time 😊


  19. Liz Hartley Avatar

    So lovely to hear about your month I’m super happy you smashed your blog views goal! I have been planning to watch the Epstein documentary but still havent gotten round to it! x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you, I’m very happy with surpassing my goal! And you NEED TO SEE IT, it’s sooo good!


  20. Elizabeth Seal Avatar
    Elizabeth Seal

    Your blog is the cutest! It sounds like you achieved so many great things this month, keep on going! Long distance relationships can be so painful, it sounds like you are so strong and doing amazing!! 😀 xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you! 😊 An LDR is a pain in the bum, but we know we can make it work!


  21. Hannah Avatar

    This was such a great read! I hope you are able to see your boyfriend soon, I went 11 weeks without seeing mine and that was bad enough, so I can’t imagine how you’re finding it! Also congrats on the blog views, that’s amazing!xx

    Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I only wish we had 11 weeks apart at a time, the longest we’d gone was 9 months and it was hell, but because of the pandemic I’m guessing I may only be able to see him next year which would make it a whole year that I wouldn’t have seen him 😐


  22. Chrissy Avatar

    Wow, that’s so many phone cases! I think I need a couple new ones myself. x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I change them as often as I change my own clothes 😛


  23. Lindsey Avatar

    It sounds like there’s been some ups and downs for you last month with everything that’s been going on. I’m glad you got that time with your friends but hope you get to see your boyfriend soon! Happy July!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I hope so too! X


  24. Savannah Avatar

    Great post! I love your BLM resources and your wonderful highlights. Thank you for sharing!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I do feel it is very important to keep sharing BLM links and educational resources x


  25. Emily Avatar

    June felt like such an eventful month! Definitely glad that it is now July!



    1. marsybun Avatar

      Me too! The month FLEW by!


  26. Melissa Kacar Avatar
    Melissa Kacar

    This is a great post! CeraVe is one of my favorite skincare brands, I hope you enjoy the products you bought! I love that you included BLM resources, as well! Thanks for sharing! 🙂



    1. marsybun Avatar

      The BLM movement must be talked about all the time! 😊 I’m more than happy to include links! And yesss, I’m loving Cerave too! 😊


  27. Nancy Avatar

    It’s great that you started going on Accutane! Hope it helps :). I started watching the documentary – I am CRINGING the first episode in!!! Have a great July!!

    Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m excited about accutane too! And YES it’s such a great documentary but can really make you feel a bit… sick at some points.


  28. Anika Avatar

    June has definitely been a crazy month. Congratulations on 1,261 views, that’s amazing! Wishing you the very best for July 🙂

    Anika | chaptersofmay.com


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you so much 😊


  29. Natasha Evans Avatar

    Congrats on surpassing your goal blog views! June has been a strange month and I’m looking forward to getting some normality back soon!

    Tash – http://www.agirlwithview.co.uk


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you! 😊


  30. Jazmin Avatar

    I would be interested to hear more about your accutane journey. I hope it works well for you! I also watched the Jeffrey Epstein docu series and I found it so interesting, and at times hard to watch x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      It was very interesting, but also shocking for me! Fingers crossed accutane works out for my stubborn skin x


  31. mia Avatar

    I’d love to hear about your accutane journey! I take accutane myself and have been seeing good results, so I really hope it works for you! xx

    mia // https://beautiful-inspiring-creative-life.com


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m glad it’s working out for you, fingers crossed it does for me too!


  32. Emily Avatar

    Yes! I am in a long distance relationship and I haven’t seen him in four months. SO HARD!



    1. marsybun Avatar

      It’s awful isn’t it! The longest I’ve gone was 9 months but I’m thinking this time it’ll be a year apart for us 😔


  33. Amy Avatar

    Congratulations on smashing your blog views goal, that’s amazing! I’m also glad to hear someone else shares my phone case addiction! 🤣 x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Omg please share with me what you’ve got! I love to see other people’s collections 😊


  34. Gemma Jayne Avatar

    Congrats on the blog views that is amazing! Also long distance is hard and I hope you both get to see each other soon. June was my birthday month so that was pretty weird and lovely at the same time 🙂 Have a lovely July! x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I hope I get to see my boyfriend soon too. Hope you had a great birthday x


  35. Chris - CJ Attractions Guide Avatar

    That’s great that your blog views more than doubled! Congrats!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you, it’s all downhill from here 😛


  36. rosieculture Avatar

    Good luck with accutane! I did it when I was 16 and again last year and I definitely don’t regret it. It can be tough at times, but worth it in the end. Would love to hear your journey with it 🙂


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’ve got my fingers crossed for it 😊


  37. Jessica Signori Avatar

    I Had the worst cystic acne for years, I thought It was due to my polycystic ovaries and just suffered it through, then I tried cutting dairy and after some trial and error it just went! So now is just me and my scars and the occasional baby that pops under my skin whenever they mislabel some food or an other.

    Jess x |


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I don’t think I have PCOS but then again I’ve never been tested for it, I hope accutane helps my cystic acne!


  38. Lovely Avatar

    Congratulations on your blog views! Stay strong to you and your boyfriend!




    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you x


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